Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Feckus - "3 Banger +1 Demo"

Feckus drinking reunion. Portland Or. 2012

Alrighty kids, today we bring you the demo from the long ago defunct band Feckus. The band members were Ben(guitar & vocals) from Doyle Brunson and now is in White Women, Sean(guitar) who was in Digital Leather, Hobart, Stripper Killers. Chris(bass) from Line Of Fire, Fake Out, and Billy(drums) who is now in Steve. Feckus only played one house show before breaking up but in between practicing their alcoholism and substance abuse they record these four song's in their practice space. I have no idea why you would care to listen to a half-assed broken up band's demo but fuck it check it out!

Free Download : http://www.mediafire.com/?1d0f9p0xkpg1vpf