Monday, April 18, 2011

Last Chance To Make Out With G.A.S. #002.

Bad news everyone the last stash of Fake Out / Female Snake split 7" were stolen from Fake Out's drummer house. Why should you care? Well first we only have a few copies left so if you slacked off on buying it all these years pick it up now cause they will be gone fast, it's that or go to ebay and get ripped off. This will more than likely not be repressed, both bands are long gone and I can find no good reason to do that. The good news is you can download the full split from our release page for free, so go do that, now!

If you dig this album go check out everyones current bands. 

Fake Out :

Female Snake :

Monday, April 4, 2011

can you dig it!!!!!!!!!!!!

congratulations. you found it. now after you rest for a minute, take a gander at the most beautiful thing your puny brain can possibly understand: our very first blog. aren't you proud of us? it's 4 in the morning and we're drunk. we successfully listened to a bunch of records, somehow broke the needle, miraculously found a backup needle, and continued to listen to records and still manged to find time to post this crap. and there you have it.

regretfully yours,
Brian and Chris

p.s. we never hang out anymore. you should call me. ;-)